Alzheimer’s and Home Health Care

For many families, home health care is the way to go to take care of their loved one with Alzheimer’s.  That is, at least for awhile.  There are some very good home health care providers, but they can be very expensive. The average cost is $16-24/hour. For the family that needs moderate levels of help, this may not be bad, but as care needs increase, and more and more hours must be spent on home health care, the Alzheimer’s family will face tremendous expenses. I recently met with someone who runs a home health service and she told me that it’s not uncommon for round the clock care to cost as much as $3,600 a week! 

We will talk more about how a little known Veteran’s Benefit can often be used to offset some of the tremendous costs of home health for your loved one with Alzheimer’s.

For great tips, tricks and techniques on helping pay for Alzheimer’s care visit: and get my FREE Ebook today.