Alzheimer’s Disease, Power of Attorney

I often tell my clients that at the first sign of any form of dementia (and hopefully much sooner), they must put in place a properly drafted power of attorney. It is critical that a trusted family member or friend is given the authority to help make decisions on behalf of the person with Alzheimer’s. As the disease develops, there will be good days and bad days where your loved one may or may not have the capacity to sign legal documents. Often an attorney will run through a series of questions with your loved one to determine capacity, or may rely on a doctor’s findings.

Power of attorney documents are important because they can help eliminate the need for a legal guardianship or conservatorship. I highly recommend avoiding guardianship/conservatorship proceedings at all costs and use them only as a last resort. They are time consuming, expensive and draining.

For more information and a FREE ebook on Paying for Alzheimer’s Care head on over to:

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